How to Respond to Google Reviews + Examples

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How to Respond to Google Reviews + Examples 

Guess what? TikTok is leveling up and challenging Google as a search engine. Crazy, right? 🤯

This means users can now explore a wide range of content beyond viral videos, right from the same platform. It’s a bold move that’s catching everyone’s attention and could reshape how we navigate the digital landscape.

As a business owner or media manager, you know how important it is to set up your Google My Business account and connect with your local target audience.

Once your business starts growing on Google and you interact with different customers on a daily basis, you can always expect some feedback online. 

It’s always great news to read messages from happy customers that took the time to leave positive reviews about the services they received, however bad reviews or comments are always a part of your brand awareness process. 

It’s inevitable to have 100% happy customers all the time, but what is evitable is knowing how to respond to those negative, bad reviews that could harm your brand reputation online if not managed correctly.

Should you always respond to Google My Business Reviews?

If you didn’t know the significance of Google reviews, then the recent study shows that 93% read online reviews of different products and services before making a purchase. 

These numbers speak for themselves: If you have small business, or even if you operate nationally, then Google reviews could drastically increase your business lead generation.

How to respond to Google Reviews?

Responding to Google reviews is not always an easy task – is a simple ‘Thank you!’ to customers enough? Should you only ‘Sorry to hear that!’ to unhappy customers? 

Here are some essential guidelines you need to keep in mind when responding to online reviews: 

  • Express gratitude: Someone took time out of their day to write a message and provide feedback on your business services/products. Make sure you always appear grateful for the message before you continue with your response.
  • Apart from generic responses to reviews, make sure to take the time and provide a personalised message. This shows that you take your business seriously and value your audience, past and future customers. 
  • If necessary, an apology is always recommended. Be humble and make sure you apologise about the negative experience someone had and provide your point of view. If possible, suggest they come back for a second visit in order to receive an improved customer service/experience/treatment at your business.
  • Motivate future communication or engagement: Invite the customer to contact you directly via phone or email if they have additional questions.

Responding to bad reviews: Examples

Responding to bad reviews is a hidden opportunity that helps your brand showcase your professionalism. Remember to be polite no matter the situation and address each concern separately. 

Maintaining a friendly and approachable tone can help eliminate the tension and show that you’re genuinely interested in addressing concerns and improving the customer experience you provide


how to respond to google reveiws

Here are some examples to reply to bad google reviews.

Example 1:

“Hi [Name], thank you for sharing your experience! We’re sorry to hear about your dissatisfaction. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and would like to address your concerns. Please contact us directly at [Your Contact Information] so we can work towards a resolution. Your feedback is valuable to us.”

Example 2:

Dear [Name], we’re truly sorry for the disappointment you’ve experienced. This is not the standard we aim to uphold. We appreciate your feedback and will investigate the discrepancy. Please contact us directly so we can arrange a return or find a suitable solution for you.

Example 3:

We’re sorry to hear about your experience. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we’d like to make things right. Please reach out to us directly at [Contact Information] so we can address your concerns and improve our service.

Do you want more creative responses for negative reviews? More casual yet friendly and professional responses tend to be great for brand engagement and show that you genuinely care about the customer experience you provide. 

You can’t be casual in all industries, but if this is the approach you want to implement, here are you Google responses to bad or negative reviews.

Example 1:

We’re genuinely bummed to hear we didn’t meet your expectations. We believe in second chances and would love the opportunity to turn things around. Reach out to us at [Contact Information], and let’s make your next experience a standout one!

Example 2:

Hey [Reviewer’s Name], sorry we didn’t wow you like we hoped! We’d love a second chance to make a better impression. Slide into our DMs or reach out at [Contact Information], and let’s make your next experience with us unforgettable!

Responding to good Google reviews: Examples

Responding to positive Google reviews is just as important as addressing negative ones. It shows appreciation and encourages positive engagement. Here are examples:

Example 1:

Hi [Reviewer’s Name], thanks a bunch for your kind words! We’re thrilled to hear you enjoyed our service and atmosphere. Your satisfaction means the world to us. Can’t wait to welcome you back!

Example 2:

Hey [Reviewer’s Name], thanks a million for your wonderful review! We’re thrilled you had an amazing experience with us. Our team loves making customers happy, and your kind words mean a lot. See you again soon!

Example 3:

Hi [Reviewer’s Name], your review made our day! Being the best is our goal, and knowing we’re your go-to place is fantastic. Thanks for making us smile. Can’t wait to see you on your next visit!”

When working with clients, we always recommend that they keep the responses personalised and we help them create a tone of voice and a target persona so they understand the needs and wishes of their target audience. 

If you want to receive a personalised plan for your Google my Business, get in touch with us here.

 These are some examples that could help you understand the general tone of your response. 

Make sure you add something that reflects your brand and services and encourage your customers to continue supporting your business.

Weird or inappropriate reviews: Best approach for Google

When encountering weird or inappropriate reviews, it’s crucial to handle them with tact and professionalism. Avoid responding emotionally. Consider these steps:

  • Report Inappropriate Content: Use Google’s reporting feature to flag inappropriate reviews for removal.
  • Create a General Response to the review: Respond generically without addressing the specific content, expressing regret for any inconvenience, and inviting them to reach out privately for further discussion.

How to use Google reviews as a tool for engagement 


Regularly check and monitor your Google reviews to stay informed about customer feedback. This will help you understand how your recent customers view your business and assess the situation in case you need to update the customer experience.

As mentioned above, respond promptly to reviews, showing that you are actively engaged and value customer opinions.

We can’t stress enough how important it is for your business to reply to every review individually and take the time to personalise it.

Remember that negative reviews publicly demonstrate your commitment to resolving issues and improving.

Get your personalised plan for Google reviews

If your business receives many Google reviews regularly, then it means you’re doing something right! 

But don’t stop there – make sure you have a solid plan on how to respond in a way that aligns with your brand tone of voice and reflects your values as a business. 

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